
a word from me

  1. WordPress, common mistake while creating a theme on 2012-08-07 08:23:12 difficulty: easy

    Common mistake while creating a wordpress theme In the company i worked for, we have created a wordpress plugin for one of our products, my job among other things is to provide a support for plugin we made. We got a lot of support tickets saying that our plugin is not working, and after the examination of the problem i see that theme is not coded properly. Since that is a common error i encountered, i have decided to write this article - maybe someone will

    Labels: wordpress, php
  2. Extending jQuery - plugins on 2012-06-29 10:21:09 difficulty: easy

    Extending jQuery There are many ways to extend jQuery, one of the most used are jQuery plugins. When someone create a plugin for jQuery, what he actually does is he extends jQuery that is initialised on web page. Plugin can have more or less functionality, it all depends of its author. Most people think that extending jQuery must be all about plugins, but that is not true, you should extend your jQuery with simple functions in your daily use just to group more

    Labels: jQuery, create, plugin, JavaScript
  3. jQuery custom events on 2012-06-29 08:43:57 difficulty: easy

    Create and use jquery custom events Creating custom events in jQuery is quite easy, all you have to do is figure out how to name your custom event and when to trigger it. In 2 steps you can create your custom event. Here is code example of how to create it. You need to select one or more DOM elements and attach the event listener to it: $('#myElement').bind('myEventName', function() { // what to do when event occurs // }); and you need to

    Labels: jQuery, JavaScript
  4. s3ShareIt, fancy social share jQuery plugin on 2012-04-03 04:40:07 difficulty: easy

    ABOUT The s3ShareIt jQuery plugin is a fancy social network sharer plugin. If you want that your content be heard of, this is what you need. This plugin will automatically integrate to the left side of your website and "follow" you on the page as you scroll up and down. To see it in action, just look at the left side of this page.. HOW TO USE It is very easy. First include the jQuery library then include the s3ShareIt javascript in the head of the

    Labels: s3ShareIt, jQuery, JavaScript, plugin, social network
  5. s3Capcha, jQuery captcha plugin on 2012-02-07 10:45:06 difficulty: easy

    ABOUT The s3Capcha jQuery plugin is made by an example of WebDesignBeach Ajax Fancy Captcha.When i saw this plugin that my friends from WebDesignBeach made i thought "this would be perfect addon to my web site". But after reviewing it, there was 3 things why i decide to build my own rather then use theirs. Doesn't gracefully degrade if javascript is off (witch is not a big problem since 95% of the web users has it on), but since the whole

    Labels: s3Capcha, jQuery, php, JavaScript, plugin